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Children and Glyconutrients Are Glyconutrients Really Safe For Children? |
Glyconutrients will boost the immune system in children. Glyconutrients will support academic performance and increase focus and learning ability of children. Glyconutrients can prevent and reverse degenerative diseases found in children.
It is deeply concerning how much the rate of degenerative illnesses in children is increasing. Infectious diseases have increased. Children are being diagnosed with Adult Onset Diabetes.
What is the dose of glyconutrients for children?Children over the age of two should take half the lowest dosage of glyconutrients recommended for adults. Children under two years of age should be under doctors supervision.
Please notify your GP that you would like to put your child on glyconutrients.
Does our food supply the adequate nutrients required and are the children eating the recommended diet?
Food value has decreased due to poor soil value, chemical spraying, early picking, hormone use, food storage, poor cooking methods. So unless your child eats only organic fruit and vegetables (which have ripened before picking) as well as whole grains, the problem of poor food value begins before the kitchen.
Children that eat processed food regularly and heavy food high in calories, lots of sugar and food high in saturated fats result in a diet high in calorie intake but very undernourished in terms of food value.
It is the lack of food value that leads to a lack of micronutrients. And the problem is that kids will look well long before the deficiencies become apparent. See natural sources of glyconutrients
ADD/ADHD, adult onset diabetes, stunted growth, poor cognitive development, weakened immune system, allergies, frequent colds, earache, and sinus and ‘snotty nose’ may have resulted because of poor diet and food value deficiencies.
There is increasing evidence showing that good health is laid down in utero. It is the health of the mother before conception during and after pregnancy while breastfeeding that is vitally important for giving a baby a healthy foundation in life. In fact, mothers milk is a natural source of 5 of the 8 essential saccharides found in glyconutrients, which is why it is so important to breast feed babies.
Healthy children will instinctively choose the food they require for their particularly stage of development that is until their taste becomes adulterated and they then begin to desire the ‘wrong type of food’.
Will glyconutrients improve their health?
Yes ! And they can prevent and, in some cases, reverse disease.
Studies have been done on children and colds. The research showed that while the glyconutrients did not prevent colds in some cases,they reduced the frequency and well as the intensity.
Glyconutrients boosted the immune system and enhanced overall health in kids. This meant less infection was ‘going around’, less absenteeism and higher grades.
It also meant fewer medical bills and less medication.
Glyconutrients also increased athletic performance and reduce injuries and recovery time.
The glyconutrients improve cell to cell communication providing optimal support for the growing children, as well as providing antioxidants vital for free radical removal.
A good diet on its own cannot meet all the needs of a growing child.
Dr E Mondoa ‘Sugars that Heal’
Dr W Serfontein ‘New Nutrition’
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