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Glyconutrients are increasingly showing their importance in the fight against cancer, including prostate cancer (see video), breast cancer and colon cancer.
Glyconutrients work at a cellular level to improve tissue and organ health and they help the body heal itself. Glyconutrients are vital for prostate cancer patients. They increase production
After the age of 50 testosterone decreases and estrogen increases which inhibits idhydrotesterone breakdown from testosterone. This creates an over production of prostate cells hence the gland enlargement.
80% of all men (USA) may experience some degree of prostate cancer before the age of 80. Black men are twice as much at risk than men from other ethnic groups. Men with a family history of prostate cancer are more at risk and should be tested regularly. A great number of men over the age of 55 begin to suffer from prostate problems. Prostate cancer and benign gland enlargement have the same symptom. Prostate cancer can be slowly progressive or virulent.
The prostate is a walnut size gland below the bladder. It secretes seminal fluid and contracts strongly during an orgasm for ejaculation. The prostate can enlarge 2 to 4 times in older men which puts pressure on the bladder or urethra.
Symptoms of prostrate cancer:
Any of these symptoms absolutely must be brought to the doctor's attention. Blood tests can detect early stages of prostate cancer.
The cause of prostate cancer is not exactly known. Here are some factors that increase the risk.
Prevention of prostate cancer:
There is also something to be said for eating carrots! Research at Northwestern University has shown that middle-aged men who ate at least one carrot a day had a 37 per cent lower risk of death from cancer than men who did not. Another study at Rutgers University indicates that carrots and other foods rich in beta-carotene may significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. If you drink the entire carrot you get the beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, the super antioxidants. Whole food juice gives you six times the fiber, which makes the juice more satisfying, and counteracts the high concentration of natural sugars in the carrots and other fruits, which prevents the rise in blood sugar levels.
Treatment of Prostate Cancer:
There are many conventional treatments for prostate cancer. Glyconutrients will lessen the side effects of the treatments. Glyconutrients will boost the immune system to keep the patient strong during chemotherapy or radiation. They will speed up recovery and boost energy levels. While they are helping the system to recover from the cancer they keep the rest of the body boosted and healthy.
Dr Mondoa, author of 'Sugars that Heal', wrote about a patient of his who had progressive form of the disease. Even with chemo and radiation his tumor continued to grow. Dr Mondoa put him on two kinds of glyconutrients which promotes natural killer cells activity. Within 4 months his tumors shrank enough to be removed surgically. He remained in remission for 4 years.
There is no evidence that it was actually the glyconutrients that cured the tumour. But the story clearly indicates that there is no harm in taking them and that glyconutrients can be taken as a support to conventional treatment of prostate cancer.
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